raspil's avatar
is there a reason you make them suffer? it's not a good thing if there is no reason, but that can be for any age range of character. if you're going to make them suffer, why not make them overcome and win in the end?

there's nothing wrong with writing for your age group -- i never write with teen characters anymore; i can't relate to them so what i would write wouldn't be as authentic as if i was still 16.
Beauty-Elevates's avatar
I try my best not to make my characters suffer if it does not mesh with the plot line. But I guess that would be another place you could say I lack in.
raspil's avatar
lack? naw, i wouldn't necessarily say that. you just haven't gotten the hang of it yet. with time and practice, you will.
Beauty-Elevates's avatar
I guess you are right. Thank you. :meow:
raspil's avatar
you're welcome :D