ColAutumnsOvercoat's avatar
I lost all emotional investment in DA:I (and to be honest, Bioware in general) when I learned that the Chantry was going to get away with all the shit they've ever done and stay in power.  This would have been the perfect time for them to have all the shit they ever done to mages, to elves, to anyone they ever fucked over come back and bite them in the ass.  HARD.  But nope.  Still in power.  Still not going to face the consequences of anything they ever done historically.  Dragon Age Inquisition played it too safe in that regard.  Also, fucking over the elves yet again; especially when it comes to their long lost past and mythology?  Yeah, no.  Done and done.
LadyWo1f's avatar
Would of been cool to have an elf option for ruler, I just now realized all the candidates were human. Be eh, sorta like how the government is imo, keeps running despite all the mistakes they've done