Legio-X's avatar
Perform better than what?  Somebody who eats fast food frequently?  Obviously someone who doesn't will be living better than the average American.  My great-grandparents lived into their 90s without any significant health problems while consuming a diet that included meat and eggs and dairy products.  

Hindus aren't vegans, though.  They eat dairy products and get necessary nutrients from those animal products.  In summary, they're lacto-vegetarians.  So yes, veganism remains something that's only possible thanks to economic privilege and global trade for the vast majority of our population.

The point is that a vegan diet can be outright and immediately dangerous to your health if not managed correctly.  There are also other nutrients besides B12 that you can't get from just plant products.

More than a capacity, an instinct and a biological structure that's built for it.  

And I say it's not barbaric.  Prove me wrong.  
Legio-X's avatar
Again, since the coward blocked and ran, I'll post my response to his inanity here.

Yeah, I'm going to need an actual citation on that first part.  

It's not about cost vs. all vegetables, it's about available products to get vital nutrients.  Milk and dairy makes the more exotic (and expensive) sources of key nutrition unnecessary.  On a side note, there's probably nowhere on Earth more economically privileged than Sweden.

You missed the point: of course there are meat eaters who live off fast food.  That's bad.  There are also people who live well off of a standard omnivorous diet.

It's a scientific fact that it's a delicate balance.  Convincing yourself otherwise is simply a way of avoiding questioning your intolerance.

Keep telling yourself that.  And the list of accomplished omnivores is much, much longer than that of you vegan nutters.  

Domestication isn't slavery, and you have to be human to be murdered.  Livestock aren't even sapient.  Your position is hopelessly anthropocentric, and that shows how out of touch you are with the real world.  
They perform better than non-vegans as e.g. extreme athletes, olympians, body builders and marathon runners - many world record holders in sports.

Veggies are far cheaper in India than milk products, I have been there. Also you're grasping for excuses, take a look at the market, what you say is simply not true even here in Sweden.

A bad diet is bad and dangerous regardless of your ethical stances. There are meat-eaters living off of fast food. Also the general idea of veganism being hard and dangerous is yet another wilful delusion, a piece in the puzzle to keep you from having any cognitive dissonance, it's a rare occurence and it's not hard to eat right and well. In fact it's far easier to eat nutritionally right and well as a vegan, considering the far-reaching negative effects of milk-products and meat.

Speak for yourself man. There is no inherent faculty that drives you to need or strive for eating innocent animals like some troglodyte. Have a look at the list of some of the most accomplished people in history that didn't eat meat.

Ethics are subjective, and if you were to take a stance for enslavement of generations of entire species, torment, emotional and physical violations and finally murder, and not call it barbaric then that will have to stand for you as, but you're not alone in defending various heinous practices on this planet, but few evils are so willingly ignored by the weak and the avaricious as eating animals and everything that comes that.