99SamPanda99's avatar
ahh I'm so sorry! I just followed the directions that the note gave me, and it wasn't noted anywhere that I had to review a specific folder, at least anywhere that I noticed :'(
I hope you still received some valuable feedback from my comment though! 
ToddNTheShiningSword's avatar
KokoKiero's avatar
The specific folders are linked in the note by your names - if you go to the note and click on the name of your group members found there, it should link to the folder that they submitted for the group.
99SamPanda99's avatar
Oh, I'm sorry! I looked at the folder but I still feel like a lot of what I wrote in the comment above still applies to that folder! I wrote a little add-on comment on that folder also, so I hope this still counts!
KokoKiero's avatar
Yes, it still counts! I just thought I would clear up any confusion, as I saw a few comments about the folder link not being in the note. ^^