zuckerschnuti's avatar
oh YES! I LOVE pokemon and I think after Galacon in august I'll try some :D
blondiebabe128's avatar
shweet I've been seriously looking for someone who can make a really cute lifesize shiny mew plush/beanie....but the only one i found was over $100!
zuckerschnuti's avatar
what size would be lifesize? (sorry..I'm not that up-to-date ^^;;) and what price did you imagne?
blondiebabe128's avatar
16 inches not including the tail...the tail being a little longer than the body. $30-40 and maybe even an art trade on top of paying for it. [link] thats the person who was charging an arm and a leg....though that mew is adorable it is WAYYYYYY too pricy
zuckerschnuti's avatar
mh.. I'm sorry but I think I can't do it for that price :/ the whole material coasts almost that much and I don't work for nothing, sorry :( maybe :iconpinkuart: can help you, she makes wonderful pokemon plushes<3