EvilMaggie98's avatar
This is an amazing series! It's a wonderful parody and I wish this was a tv series too. Your artwork is good! I wonder what inspire you to use ducks? lol I love it! Keep up that dedication! 
cluedog's avatar
Wow.  Thank you so much!  I'm very humbled.

I love "The Walking Dead", so I decided to do my own tip of the hat to the series, although with a more humorous bent.  I decided to use ducks as a tribute to another one of my favorite TV series, "Ducktales" and, of course, the grand duck artist himself, Carl Barks.   I'm currently drawing the first season but there will be a second one, introducing Maggie and Hershel (and maybe the Governor).

I'm grateful for the comment and that you read the comic.
EvilMaggie98's avatar
You are very welcome :D I'll continue reading your comic