Comment on maskawaih's profile

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Patriot1776's avatar
Just randomly found you on dA.  Nice artworks, showing the truly peaceful and fun-loving side of your faith!  I wanted to share with you a link to a book I just ordered:…  This lady here, in a rather controversial fashion, has published a book that from just reading its preview chapter, has my interest peaked in deciphering why your faith is having the major issues with violent fanatics its having, and this book may have a very good explanation for that as a devout believing Protestant Christian (despite what I've got a lot of in my favorites gallery and much of the content of my original gallery), I have been struggling to find and make sense of where the fanatics get their justifications for their horrific acts.  I'm hopeful that the book I've ordered will help me get even more understanding as I seek to improve my understanding for interfaith dialog.