PeppyGreyskull's avatar
I'm pretty sure Night's End is complete.
Ah it seemed like you had planned to continue it based on the cliffhanger like end.

“We have much to discuss, Twilight, but you need as much rest as you can get. Sleep, for now. I’ll be right here with you.”

At least that's how I felt after. Still thanks for the enjoyable read and reply.
PeppyGreyskull's avatar
Ah, yeah it could be open for a sequel or something, but I have no real plans to continue it. Maybe some time eventually, but I have other stuff that I'm writing and, as such, will be working those.
Well I'll be reading your work for awhile then. Thanks for your time again.
PeppyGreyskull's avatar
No problem. I always have time for my followers outside of the times where I don't cause of other obligations.