Comment on CreatureInTheClouds's profile

zhidkovv's avatar
Hey, are you still here?
CreatureInTheClouds's avatar
M'yes. Not very active anymore - not sure I will be as dA lost it's community feel years ago, imo.
zhidkovv's avatar
Ahh, I see. I was just scrolling through my notes, and I saw our talk a year ago or so, so just wanted to check up on how you are doing.
Why do you think DA lost its community feeling?
CreatureInTheClouds's avatar
I just feel it has. Doesn't feel the same as years ago. I only come on here to check some comics and that's it.
zhidkovv's avatar
Hmm, I cannot disagree. Do you still draw, or not really?
CreatureInTheClouds's avatar
Yeah, doodles for the most part. Would like to get back into it 'properly'.
zhidkovv's avatar
Well, when you come back "properly," shoot me a message. I will be more than happy to browse your art!