Comment on dm29's profile

VestedClover's avatar
Come to think of it, could I remove Janna as well? I want to remove all but Marco and Star but ponyhead is in the way.
Musgrave322's avatar
Janna is fine in my books, but Princess Pony Head can be removed.
VestedClover's avatar
well, no one but Star and Marco is in the story at the point I want this, but Princess Pony Head is covering up a lot of Star. Still, I'll try
VestedClover's avatar
Sorry, solid state hard drive died, rip my comp, but thank god for google drive. Anyway, I only put it into JPEG and put the watermarks in so that people couldn't steal a modified version of your drawings, and I have the .psd file with the layers of the watermarks, so I can remove them or change it to what you prefer, and if you would like the .psd file, I'll be sure to send it to you as soon as possible. 
Anyway, In the story, Marco plans and throws this party alone, so Janna and Jackie and Princess Pony Head don't fit the point this image is at. The only part I'm not completely satisfied with is the part where star's arm that I moved from shoving Janna to holding Marco goes into her hair.
But if you have the time, I would greatly appreciate the file to be the same dimensions as before but without Jackie, Janna, or Pony Head, and maybe Star's Left arm also around Marco. Thank you very much for what you do, and I love all of your work.

If you want a link to the story, it isn't at the point where the image would be used, but I release a page a day, and I'm planning on Christmas having the last page of the story with your Image. link:…
dm29's avatar
Hey there, sorry I've just only looked through my notifications right now.
Just mention right here what you need, in what size, and I'll personally retool this piece for your use without any nasty-ass watermarkingon your part.