Comment on freya-6th's profile

freya-6th's avatar
Of course I remember ! ^-^
I guess I've been sorta away from the internet since around that time...
Even when I try to come back, I end up away again even though I miss it the most!
Is there anything like TinierMe nowadays~?
Golczas's avatar
Aww, so nice to hear from you!

Well, if you've been using your time productively, instead of sitting on the internet all the time, then it's all good! ^^
Seriously, internet has it nice sides, but too much of it and, damn.. you start wishing you weren't so hooked up to it! :D

There's the LINE PLAY service (Android and iPhone only)
I created an account there mostly because a friend of mine asked me to (she probably wanted bonus coins for inviting someone, haha~)

I'm usually wasting my time on facebook/twitter/tumblr/etc. nowadays :)

So, have a great Sunday and please let me know how you're doing! ^^