Comment on Mechanubis's profile

Mechanubis's avatar
My reading was that Doom 2016 was a return to form. Original Doom relied heavily on fast paced action, relentless onslaught and Heavy Metal aesthetic. Doom 3 took a detour around the pseudo-horror junction to varying degrees of success. As for the Mary Sue-comparison, the Doomslayer did a piss poor job of carefully removing the lenses from the argent energy filtration system.
Redtriangle's avatar
Even in slow-pace like Doom 3, I am a poor player. I froze each time an Imp throw a fireball when I should dodge.
I still remember in Hell in Resurrection of Evil, a Hell Knight slowly approaching me, I repelled all its plasma balls throw back at it with the leviator gun then I panicked when it got too close.
That's the kind of scary I was talking about.
I don't think I can beat a Hell Knight at fast-pace in Doom 4.

Yeah... He got issues. I do not know what say for that.