Comment on Sprech4's profile

Bunni89's avatar
Okay okay, you're the MAGGOTS guy right? If so: SQUEE!
Thank bogleech for link you, I am now gonna just glomp all over your stuff with my diseased mandibles and cry that I can never equal your awesomes XD
Also seriously maggot-guy-eating-dead-lady has the most pitiful facial expressions that are oddly cute XD He needs a TV show or something XD A corpse cookery show!
And seriously this maggot-virus idea would be a breath of fresh air as a sort of 'zombie apocolypse' movie/comic/somethingu. SInce the idea of a monster infection horde is awesome but nowadays zombies have been done to death and back again. And like if it happened in real life I'd totally be the weird one who's all like 'dude bite me, bite me PLEASE you are so awesome'
Sprech4's avatar
yoU LEFT SO MANY COMMENTS I AM SIMULTANEOUSLY AWESTRUCK AND FLATTERED. Aahh thank you, I'm glad you like my work so much! I want a cooking show with a giant maggot host too.

Yeah I'm glad I'm not the only one kind of zombie'd out! Infection scenarios are always pretty scary and I like them a lot, I just want something more interesting than zombies! And aaa, I always pegged the MAGGOTS thing as less infection via biting and more some sort of like...airborne disease, probably. Because that's scary. You need air, but....but maggot disease. Decisions.
Bunni89's avatar
Hahaha, well shucks XD You're welcome but its no big deal, I go on gallery-glomping sprees with any good artist XD Also giant maggot cooking shows are just the best XD I'd draw that myself but I'm cursed to forever suck at creepy stuff XD

Ya I sympathized SO MUCH with bogleech's post about zombies being made boring as hell by overuse. I mean even using them in a DIFFERENT way could make em remotely interesting again. Lets get a story where zombies are the magic chosen race of x-men, but for example fairies are evil and possessing folk out on the streets and the zombies have to fight em XD
Aha! I kinda missed the memo on that one til I found that cool fanfic someone did for you (Poor Tom T^T) Pros and cons! Pros of bites is that they make the monster more scary cos you have to not let them touch you. Also there's more strategy involved cos you can keep the monster away by distracting em with one of your crew as a sacrifice, covering yourself in dead meat so you can walk through em and not smell human, so on. Pros of airborne is that anyone can get it and it becomes an uncontrollable enemy.
Cons are that both kinda decide the genre for you. With bites it sorta has to be a 'they're mindless/evil and the enmy' story to stay scary, with airborne it happens to anyone so if they're mindless/evil its a bland downer story where noone is gonna get out alive. But yeah it would work great for something where the transformation is purely body horror and its more of a story of 'surviving while being a maggot' from the perspective of the infected or their friends and family. Could also work good with a perspective flip where whoever's trying to 'exterminate the monsters' is the villain.
But seriously in any case I would be like 'first in line to mag out!' and then continue my life as normal XD It would kinda be awesome fun to go to the store and have everyone run away screaming.