Comment on Beauty-in-shadows's profile

Comment History
czmanga's avatar
this comment is directed to one of your contributors (MordSithCara ) wich I made a comment in one of her works and she blocked me , I do so because I think we all have the right to reply. thanks. and great group by the way .

This is the comment for her :oh thanks for correcting my bad English :) (Smile) , 

by the way , I made the comment ( comment , not compliment ) because I follow your work here in deviantart , like  any artist here . excuse me if somehow or other you bother . I particularly like the criticism , I humbly read the good, the bad, and try to internalize what to learn. knowing how different can be the people around the world. There is a very interesting phrase of Voltaire that says "I do not agree with what you say , but I will defend with my life your right to say you " , humble and rather diverse, I think without prejudice , Greetings great artist.
And , sorry for my bad english , I will try to learn more to read and write the idiom everyday since now . thank's for the correction again.