Comment on me4oslav's profile

nicu-natrapeiu's avatar
I really love the numix-circle iconset but can you please stop changing it so dramatically and often :)
Please do consider this as a *constructive* suggestion!
I mean, when i first installed the theme all the control buttons (like back/forward/refresh on chrome) were just grey and i loved it ; a few weeks later some of theme got a fading color - no problem; another few weeks later back button was orange, forward was blue and refresh button some other color i do not remember - still ok for me;

I just updated my system now and everything is just so different; all the controls are green and chubby;
If you plan to change so much why not name it differently?? (like Numix-circle-green and  Numix-circle-original )
and allow the users to switch if they want;

If you don't want or don't have time for maintaining multiple version of your theme PLEASE allow me to fork your project an keep the old style still available. PLEASE :)

me4oslav's avatar
We are in the process of redoing the action icons, hence the dramatic changes. Soon enough they will all be colourful and lovely, don't worry. ;)
The chubby green icons will be gone in the next build and be replaced with…
nicu-natrapeiu's avatar
me4oslav's avatar
Happy to help.