Shinjuchan's avatar
Believe it or not I actually had a friend who cosplayed as Paul before and he had spray painted a mayo jar gold.
MLBlue's avatar
Pity I dont own any spray paint, or know how to use it. Hmm, another person suggested a peanut butter jar, but I think I need something with a more similar shape to an urn to really give it some extra authenticity. I wonder if anyone has any ready made "urns" they used for their Paul cosplays I could just get from them cheap or something.
UndertakersCreature's avatar
I can make one for you. I do art for free. I know how to do paper mashe. (I can't spell that word for the life of me. LOL)
MLBlue's avatar
Maybe.  The one I used in the photos of me broke recently, so if I cant get it fixed Ill consider it.
UndertakersCreature's avatar
Okay. I'll have to get the materials for it, but I'm excited to do it.
MLBlue's avatar
Wouldnt paper mache be kind of weak?  I would be afraid of breaking something like that if I carried it around all day.
UndertakersCreature's avatar
Not if you know how to do it. When I make it, it'll be thick enough so it wouldn't break.