Comment on Nayzak's profile

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TotalmentoTulio's avatar
10 reasons why Islam is not a religion of peace:

1) About 18,000 terrorist attacks followed by death were committed explicitly in Islam in the last 10 years. The other religions together, maybe do not get to a dozen attacks).

2) Muhammad (Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam) killed people for insulting him or criticizing his religion. These dead people include women. Muslims are guided to imitate the example of Muhammad.

3) Muhammad said in many places that he was "ordained by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is their messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do just that.
Muhammad inspired his men to fight for the most shameful motives that exist, using goods captured in combat, sex and a haven of gluttonies as an incentive. He decapitated prisoners, enslaved children and raped women he captured in battle. Again, Muslims are instructed to follow the example of Muhammad.

4) After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and who knew his religion very well immediately began to wage war against each other.
Fatima, Muhammad's favored daughter, lived securely among the unbelievers in Mecca for several years, but ended up dying from the stress of pursuing other Muslims only six months after her father's death.

She still suffered miscarriage from Muhammad's grandson after having his ribs broken by a man who came to be the second caliph.
Fatima's husband, Ali, who was the second convert to Islam and raised as a son of Muhammad, fought a civil war against an army erected by Aisha, Muhammad's favorite wife - a woman he said was the " Perfect Woman". About 10,000 Muslims died in a single battle less than 25 years after Muhammad's death.

Three of the first four caliphs (Islamic rulers) were murdered. They were all among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the first son (who was killed by the fifth caliph a few years later, having been wrapped in the skin of a dead and burned donkey). The fourth caliph (Ali) was killed stabbed after a uglier discussion with the fifth. The fifth caliph, in turn, poisoned one of Muhammad's two favorite grandchildren. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph.

The internal strife and power strife between the members of Muhammad's family, his closest companions, and his children only increased over time. After 50 years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had been for centuries pagan property, was in ruins because of the Muslim war ...
This is nothing less than the fate of those from INSIDE the house of Islam!

5) Mohammed instructed Muslims to make war against other religions and to bring them submissive to Islam. Within the first decades after his death, these Arab companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. With only 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had already captured the lands and people of 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.

6) Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1,400 years, held only by the ability of non-Muslims to defend themselves. To this day, not a single week goes by without some Islamic fundamentalist attempting to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus or Buddhists, explicitly in the name of Allah. None of these other religions are at war against each other.

7) Islam is the only religion that must keep its adherents threatening to kill them if they leave the religion. This is done following the example given by Muhammad. There is no exit door, the only exit from Islam and death.

8) Islam teaches that non-Muslims are inferior to a real human being. Muhammad said that a Muslim can be killed for committing murder, but that a Muslim can never be killed for killing a non-Muslim.

9) The Quran never nowhere speaks of Allah's love for non-Muslims but speaks of Allah's cruelty and hatred of non-Muslims for more than 500 times!

10) "Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! "(Allah is great!) These were the last words spoken within the cockpit of Flight 93 and which are spoken before any attended terrorist.