Comment on Rubii-san's profile

Rubii-san's avatar
She was lousy and it was their first resort since my wrist was so painful during the exam. I swear I think she hit the bone, because it went *clink*

I've done so much ice and rest and done therapy exercises back when my neck frozen and I couldn't turn it. I had help with my wrist as well while I was there. (The frozen neck was a different issue, saw a bone doctor since my spine is completely straight in my neck, not curved)

Right now I just do the exercises, and icyhot and rest when it gets really bad. Nerve pain meds if it exceeds worse pain :( I need to see another doctor. Hadn't been able to due to our terrible insurance. Costs $150 to go now instead of $20 :/ but mom said she'll help out.
AppleBetty's avatar
Is there an orthopedic clinic nearby that your state sports teams use for their injuries? That'd probably be the best one to go to.