Comment on lGSG-9Sniper01's profile

Teh-Kaku's avatar
HAY ANDY? How are you doing? Haven't heard anything from you in ages.
lGSG-9Sniper01's avatar
hey hey, haven't heard from you in a while either. As for how I'm doing....tired and procrastinating as always. So how've you been?
Teh-Kaku's avatar
Work sucks D;

I'm doing well... Not much goin on... We bought an xbox360 last year. If you have one you should give me your name. :3 Have you played FF13 yet? Not alot of game play and it's really liner- but it's not bad. Have you tried the star craft beta yet? These geeks at work burned their cracked version of it so I don't have to play online... You should check it out! It's alot of fun!
lGSG-9Sniper01's avatar
haha, yes...generally work does suck...

and no, I don't have a 360...haven't even touched my ps3 in a year...I heard that FFXIII was much more action oriented than the previous FFs...oh and it's also very pretty.

As for the beta...damnit...I want a beta key....