Comment on YAOImangakaS's profile

misscania's avatar

"12h pour sauver des milliers de gays ougandais qui risqueraient la peine de mort. Ce mercredi,le Parlement pourrait en effet voter une loi instaurant la peine capitale pour homosexualité.
Une mobilisation internationale a conduit au retrait du texte l'an dernier.Si nous faisons monter la pression maintenant et faisons retarder le vote de la loi cette semaine,elle sera enterrée quand le Parlement fermera dans 2 jours."

Sign the petition! >__<
omniscientus's avatar
Repost this message in English please!

Postez ce message en Anglais s'il vous plaît.
misscania's avatar
Sorry, it was a citation of the article in French.

Whole article in English :

"In 12 hours, the Ugandan Parliament may vote on a brutal new law that carries the death penalty for homosexuality. Thousands of Ugandans could face execution -- just for being gay.

We've helped stop this bill before, and we can do it again. After a massive global outcry last year, Ugandan President Museveni blocked the bill's progress. But political unrest is mounting in Uganda, and religious extremists in Parliament are hoping confusion and violence in the streets will distract the international community from a second push to pass this hate-filled law. We can show them that the world is still watching. If we block the vote for two more days until Parliament closes, the bill will expire forever.

We have no time to lose. Let’s get to one million voices against Uganda's gay death penalty in the next 12 hours -- sign now then spread the word about this campaign!"