arathcanjustdie's avatar
Hehe, if you are so eager to serve, you should come up with some contests ;)
diversdream's avatar
Contest Ideas

1) Pick a particular scene from the series thats not been covered yet,
see who can do it best.
2 i can think of straight away would be boomer singing to the raider in series one(the lullaby scene) and the rape scene where she is so devastated (have to admit as i watched that i was close to crying myself),while helo and chief are under guard at the point of a gun.

2) cylons from BSG eg boomer etc etc being created by the people in Caprica (i so wanted them all to do Cameo appearances in the show..)

3) pick a particular character boomer 6 etc etc and then do a comp on only art to do with them

4) cross over art comp

cybermen V cylon
Boomer V Maj Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell
Cylon Raider V Tie Fighter from SW
Doctor Who,Torchwood,Section 9 and the Colonial Fleet V the Cylons, Daleks, Cybermen and Terminators.

hows that as food for thought..
arathcanjustdie's avatar
These ideas sound really good. Would you want to host one of them for the group?
diversdream's avatar
what's that involve
sorry if i sound like a goose lol
arathcanjustdie's avatar
Go to the Admin Section and look at past conversations. There are ideas of what to do for contests as well as some history on where the group is at right now.
diversdream's avatar
thanks for that much appreciated