Comment on nebezial's profile

nebezial's avatar
don't worry about it.

while i's love to just say it's me being an imperfect artist, which i am, that's not why.

i've made lengthy posts on this topic over time but it comes down to this.  comics and animation are storytelling mediums that rely on vast amounts of drawings to get the story across

in order to get this all done on time and preserve our sanity we summarize people to a few basic models. we decorate those basic models in differing clothes, hair colors and accessories and get the job done.

sure, a point can be made that we could make a million reference photos of real people and use them as stand in actors, and some of us do just that, but the rest of us, we don't. we just go on ahead and get the job done.

we adopt a visual shorthand for drawing our modest range of people models and we do our job. these are usually just proportionate enough and drawn fast enough to get the point across.

for this very reason you will find the same stuff happening in most big name comic professionals that don't over rely on photos, same goes for disney, or a lot of manga. none of us  are going for real people.  merely an approximation. the good enough cause we gotta repeat it a zillion times over.

keep in mind that while we like to think people are usually recognizable you can easily summarize vast numbers of people that look similar to each other with subtle differences between them. in comics as in animation, subtleties inevitably get lost over time. a small bump on the nose on page 1 will usually vanish by page 5, and a slight irregularity of a left eyebrow will vanish by page 3 because nobody remembers subtleties. 

you remember the strong hooked nose, the bony high cheekbones, intense arched eyebrows, slanted eyes, sunken eyes , very thin or voluptuously full lips.

those kinds of intense differences are usually the only ones that survive through a book or a cartoon properly. so none of us professionals worry about it too much.

in short:
we do it not because we don't know how to draw anything different.

we do it because we don't have the time to reinvent a spinning wheel.

hope this answers it :)

if not... just write it off to me not being good enough XD i'm fine with that as it's my trademark opinion of my work :)