Comment on Pewdiepie-Fan-club's profile

Nica--Draws's avatar
I adore Pewds, really, he was a huge part of my life opening up to the internet and even learning how to speak English. But... it breaks my heart that I can't enjoy his new content no matter how hard I try, I feel like I have lost my fave YouTuber...

I loved it back in 2013 to the early 2015's, I loved it when he made random jokes and reactions, I loved it how he giggled and laughed, made me laugh with him. IDK but I just miss him so damn much and even though I respect his new change, I couldn't adjust to it...

I have been a bro since 2013 and I am proud, I just, love Felix anyway and enjoy seeing him develop into a new person each year.

Felt the need to say it, so, I thought why not here, since I came across this group. c: //brofist