Comment on secretsalute's profile

Bastion73's avatar
Thanks for the fave on the Totem for Fear!
secretsalute's avatar
It's pretty badass!
Bastion73's avatar
ohgeeze ... :blushes:
I love Werewolf, and I get these wicked ideas for glyphs and sigils, so I just go to town!
I'm glad you like this one (although "Shields From the Storm" is my personal favourite)!

So ... Thanks again!
secretsalute's avatar
Love that one too!  I'm pretty new to Werewolf myself, but from what I've found out and read so far, I am absolutely loving.
Bastion73's avatar
Well, welcome to the wondrous, most GLORIOUS world of Werewolf: The Apocalypse!
It is truly a wonderful game!
secretsalute's avatar
Thanks!  It looks like it's turning out that way!