Scifimaster92's avatar
In particular, I would really like to know if Carly has any second thoughts regarding her decision to appear in Playboy. I ask mainly because of some statements she made on her ModelMayhem account suggesting that she's since become more selective in her assignments, and also because I personally consider said magazine to be exploitive and objectifying. (For the record, I believe that there is a big difference between an artistic appreciation of the female form, which most of Carly's work would classify as, and objectification.)
I would like to know why people who objectify women like Carlotta are so vocal in their opposition to the objectification of women. I'm sure she is fully aware that by posing nude, she is effectively objectifying herself. When I look at her photos, which are beautiful, I am objectifying her. I don't know her, I will probably never meet her, and so I am viewing her body as an object. This is not some terrible thing. I once heard someone say, "You know what is worse to a woman than being objectified? NOT being objectified."