Comment on Docco's profile

Docco's avatar
KITTY!!!! I can only apologise for my lack of time and effort in keeping in touch! I must talk to you soon or the whole space-time-continuum could very well explode!
KittyVonShmoogan's avatar
:) It's quite alright my dear Doc! I'm very certain that an adorably precious little baby and her beautiful mother are much more important at the moment than keeping up to date with the ever-quickening world. And the whole space-time-continuum very well could explode! ;P Let's hope for everyone's sake it doesn't!

:D You will have to share your awe and wonder at being a father when you've the time and energy! I'm quite excited to here all about the hearts she's melting! And the sneaky squirrels I'm sure she's befriending ;P