VampireDarkling's avatar
sure, speak your mind, what's bothering you?
Tigrantia's avatar
My grades have been dropping, I'm always fighting with my parents, my mum thinks I'm crazy, she wants to move to Russia, I can't seem to concentrate on anything, I have random mood swings, I cry for no reason, I find school abnormally boring, I'm lonely whenever I have no one to talk to, and basically life is just dull and completely uninteresting.
VampireDarkling's avatar
Sounds like; you have become a teen now..
have you tried going on a trip with your friends?
a trip just to get away from everything can really help.
Tigrantia's avatar
No, I mean everything is even worse tahn usual and I don't wanna fail my life. :'(
I'm 15, I can't even get a bus out of the town without being brought back to my parents as soon as anyone learns I'm less than 16!
VampireDarkling's avatar
then go with your friends and someone that is older.
you're only 15, you can't fail your life at this age.
Tigrantia's avatar
I don't think I'm allowed either. Also I don't have older friends who live on the same continent as me.
Yes I can. Also I meant I was afraid to fail it later.
Also everything just sucks and I always feel depressed for no reason.
VampireDarkling's avatar
you can't fail life, unless you die.
get a new hobby to take your mind out of it.