Comment on elemental-angel1565's profile

wingless-one's avatar
Hello there! Welcome to DeviantArt! I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here and that this community inspires you. I sincerely appreciate the favorite that you have given me! I feel so special! :cuddle: If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know, ok?!
elemental-angel1565's avatar
Thanks! I've been coming to this place for months now, and I finally decided to join. Your artwork is beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with all of us!
wingless-one's avatar
:cuddle: you're welcome sweetie! You know, it's kinda funny. When I joined in August, I barely knew what dA was. My niece encouraged me to join, and I guess the rest is history. I had never even *done* photomanipulation before then, but over time, I have learned from other people on dA. You'll find that people are surprisingly sweet, if you let them be! Some good advice is to be as friendly as possible and to answer every comment that is given to you. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help if it is needed.
elemental-angel1565's avatar
I have been coming here mostly to browse for wallpapers for my work computer. I have to have something to keep my eyes occupied!
I do like writing, and I haven't had a place I could actually put it. It didn't make sense to put it in my blogs and such, because it wouldn't have gotten the recognition and critique I need. So I figured this would work well!
Thanks for talking with me!
wingless-one's avatar
:cuddle: you're welcome! I promise to keep an eye on you and read your writing, ok? I'm not one for critiquing, but if you want me to I will critique your pieces. Just let me know, ok?
elemental-angel1565's avatar
Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that I uploaded a few pics that I've taken over the past few months. Take a look, and tell me what you think!
wingless-one's avatar
:cuddle: ok! I'll go look right now!!