Comment on Greatest-I-am's profile

AspiePie's avatar… So do you believe in Bible Prophecy and how does this impact it?
Greatest-I-am's avatar
If one thing is preordained, then all things are. Think of the domino effect.

So no, I do not believe in prophesy.

FMPOV, prophesy is just a guess as to what the future might hold.

History tends to generally repeat itself so anyone can prophesy anything that has already happened for the future and have a decent chance of seeing it happen in the next few thousand years.

Prophesy is close to the supernatural and Gnostic Christians like me hold no supernatural beliefs.

gdpr-16712963's avatar
What exactly is a Gnostic Christian? I've asked around and all I get from people is "a dangerous heresy."
Greatest-I-am's avatar
I have two links in this O.P. that give you a hint.…

It is or was considered a heresy because it promotes free thinking and not the idol worship of the mainstream religions. 

It is a religion where God serves man and not where we weak humans have to serve an all powerful God that does not have a need for servants and slaves.

Jesus said he came to serve and somehow Christians turned that into God needing us to serve him.

Who do you think needs more help? God or man?

gdpr-16712963's avatar
In the case that God were to actually exist, (and exist as an omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent being) said God would not require any help at all, period.
Greatest-I-am's avatar
Careful with your logic and reason.

The religious will not like it.

I do. Do not ever lose those thinking characteristics.
