AussieDidge's avatar
Hey, how ya doin? Certainly been a while, but lately I've been volunteering at a local Salvos Store; sorting clothes, taking out trash, pricing and whatever else. It's a good way to kill a few hours, and get some exercise too. :)
TheSkull31's avatar
I recently moved in with my friends John and Kimberly, way back in June of 2016, to live more independently. Now with a bunch of legal troubles involving my friend Kimberly's new fiancé that are being caused by several of our neighbors and my friend Kimberly's fiancé's ex-wife, we are seriously considering moving to Missouri, where it is suggested that land expenses and taxes are much mess expensive. What do you think of that?
AussieDidge's avatar
Boy, sounds like quite the aneurysm to have. Those are the kinds of decisions where even the best of us struggle to come to a rational decision, considering all the pros and cons they have to potentially weigh up.

What I think of it is irrelevant. It's a decision that ultimately you have to come to; a decision that, if you go through with it, you'll have to come to terms with both the benefits and the consequences. And, it's something that means taking a leap of faith from what you ordinarily might've taken for granted.

Living more independently will be a hell of a challenge, but if you make it work, day in and day out, there's no telling how much better off you'll be, not only professionally, but personally.

In the end though, you have to make that decision. In this world, no-one can hold your hand forever. They can certainly help, they can certainly advise and caution, but ultimately, you must be happy with what you've done or are about to do.

Can only wish you the best of luck, personally. :)
TheSkull31's avatar
Actually, if they're planning to go to Missouri next year, then I am obliged to go with them to start a new life (and a studio, since land is much cheaper over there). I completely believe that moving to Missouri will only benefit me despite my only getting to see my family once a year, and I think it would be the best thing for me, so the decision has already been made. :)
AussieDidge's avatar
Well, that's it then. There's really no further need to discuss it any more. I can only wish you all the best when you do eventually make the move. :)

And, that depends on how you define "seeing your family." If you mean face-to-face, then yeah, absolutely.

But with potentially Skype, FaceTime, and so many other apps and programs allowing for that kind of communication, it doesn't have to be just once a year, technically speaking. Yeah, I consider the details even if it sounds like it's gone overboard, so sue me. =p

At any rate, take care and let me know how it goes!