JFKPlatoon-332's avatar
How old are you? xD
JenniferThanks's avatar
14. One of the messages my friend posted on facebook was 'You are now 14 and able to watch 14a movies and shows. BATH YOURSELF IN YOUR PROFOUND MATURITY'
And I was like "...I watched Family Guy and stuff when I was 8. Maturity? Today our class played freaking hide and seek."

My circle of friends=complete and utter crazy,funnyness,dirty-minded,helpful,caring, and intelligent friends.

And that is why my friends shall last forever.

Just had to explain my crazy class...
JFKPlatoon-332's avatar
Haha! xD I turned 14 on October 8th, 2012. xD I will turn 15 this year. Your art is better then mine. xD
JenniferThanks's avatar
Ehhh... I started art when I was 6. No biggie. The thing is, for art quite literally the only thing you need to be able to do is copy. Copy what you see around to on your paper/other material. And if it doesn't look the same, change what doesn't look the same. Look for curves, size, and proportion. That's all there is to it.