Comment on aliwyrm's profile

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linterstellar's avatar
uhh hey Alyce, it's Zip - are you still around? (if you remember me)
aliwyrm's avatar
SORRY SORRY my messages kind of back up a little and i've been busy with school until the holidays BUT HEY HEY HEY WHAT'S UP IT'S BEEN SO LONG !!!! AAAAA WOW
linterstellar's avatar
ahh no, it's no problem!!! all good, i wasn't sure you'd seen the comments i left on some of your new pieces, but that makes sense! i get super busy with uni too. one of the first things i did when i rejoined was check out your gallery - your art is looking amazing dude! but how you been doing? it's literally been years haha wow
aliwyrm's avatar
ohhh my god I'M SO FLATTERED ASGHDFBJKDKJ i had a look at your gallery on my phone the other night too !!! I'VE MISSED YOUR ART SO MUCH ZIP it was always super inspiring to me! and it is all sTILL SO WONDERFUL AAAAA
but i've been doing good! just finished up a game art course so i get my diploma soon! other than that i'm just hanging about doing commissions and all that fun stuff :3
have you got a discord account or anything like that now?? i'd love to catch up !!
linterstellar's avatar
aaah thank you! :')
oh fantastic, that's great news! game art must be sick! and yeah i do have one, #7296 linterstellar : )