Comment on henmo24's profile

henmo24's avatar
We already got rid of him. We alerts the proper authorities. He's had no platform since the Skype call (not the leaking, the actual call date). What part of this is not reasonable?
WarsadlePony's avatar
Posting a series with him still in it and the attidutde that boradcasts.
WarsadlePony's avatar
You still endorsing his presense in a group project despite being hurt by him endorses that behaviour to go on with pedophiles and abusers, doesn't that sound at least a bit fucked up!?
Shadow-DJ's avatar
actually, They cut him off entirely. Likely block anyway of him getting into their emails or whatnot. And it's not TOON in those DnD things, it's his CHARACTER. There is a difference between the creator and character.

And also, Voice and them ended any other collaborations besides the back-lock of prerecorded stuff with him in it and thus are removing him. They removed him from future TF2 stuff and other projects, and is unliekly to be welcomed back. Hell, I'd say Voice would more likely get the cops on the phone.

You're not being logical, you are letting emotion run through and it's not good to act like a high horse when you have little to do wih the actual sitution or how Voice and his girlfriend feel about this, or really any of them. You and I do not know Voice personally in anyway, nor have we made any real life contact with him. He's dealing with a loss of a friendship and finding out said friend is a monster. How about you learn to learn some actual tact.

And yes, I know this post is 2 months old. But it still bares repeating.
WarsadlePony's avatar
No it doesn't bare repeating. And don't try the it his character excuse, Zak was still a part of those videos and the flaming douche refused to take him out of the series when it the revelation came out.