Comment on Beornwulff's profile

Sol-Tamida's avatar
You have some really great work for someone who's a first year, I'm serious you could really be something else one day man!  I really like your work and encourage you to keep going! I hate to ask this out of the blue but could you come to my page and see if there's anything that interests you?  I'm trying to find as many people as I can to support and get involved with this Kickstarter project for an oldschool turn based RPG.  I would appreciate it greatly if you did and will thank you kindly.
Beornwulff's avatar
Thank you, your encouragements really warm me up :) I'll take a look on your kickstarter project, and I already had a look at your deviations, your game seems great ! I'll take more time to browse your gallery when I'll be less ... busy !
Sol-Tamida's avatar
You're welcome!  Thanks a bunch, it really means a lot.  Take your time.