Comment on wquon's profile

wquon's avatar
fantastic rebuttal, I can see how you strive to articulate yourself. I dont see your frustration between the 2 statements, could you be a little more clear?

on your profile you seem to dislike trolling & hating, so whats the deal here? why do you have to go straight to profanity?

FYI I have a great life :D ,just trying to keep it that way for my posterity.
LookBacktoFour's avatar
But what I want to know is why exactly do you think that way about the legalization of gay marriage. Has it really wrecked your life as you say? Are you that negative about "instant gratification"? Why did you say all that stuff?
wquon's avatar
I've already retorted  great deal on "why I think that way" about gay marriage in this forum, so I'm not going to go over everything again.

no, it hasn't fully wrecked my life, but it IS a rather large part in the further blurring of many lines.
it's similar to a game of chess, (in general) it's not about the rook (or whatever piece) taking out your king, it's about all the moves that lead up to it.

instant gratification; lust, anger, greed, etc.
very few times is this harmless because it takes focus off the big picture & can often lead to a type of addiction depending on the circumstance.

now if you are surrounded by addicts who say you don't have a problem, are you still an addict. yes!
we are all addicts in some capacity, what makes the difference is acknowledging it & striving to better ourselves rather than accepting it & forcing society to do the same.

I hope this clears it up for you :)
LookBacktoFour's avatar
Hmm... Yes, it does. And I'm sorry for annoying you so much.
wquon's avatar