FRUlT-SNACKS's avatar
LMAO I'm tired- but doing good! How are you tho?
CursedCorvidae's avatar
Im glad!! <3
I'm not very good myself in all honesty, lots of mental bullshit lmao but life goes on!! Hurting for money for medical stuff as well

I'm prepping some halloween T-RhinoCrocs now that my art has improved and I can design properly/know how to manage shit unlike a few years ago RIP. And if you need masterlist help lmk ok?
FRUlT-SNACKS's avatar
Oh heck
TBH though that's a mood-
I haven't done much drawing as of recent because I've been lacking the motivation (and my mouse broke lmao...) I hope you come into the money for what you need!

OH that's awesome! I can't wait to see what you whip up :D
It's been so long since I updated the masterlist tbh... I made a separate account for it but I've probably got to edit a lot of the files because so many got taken down for genital refs
CursedCorvidae's avatar
Ah fuck I hope you can get a new one and start back up! Also motivation is a huge mood. It hasnt exactly been reliable as of late X'D
Also thank you friend, I really hope so too :' D

Yee! I have 4 out of a batch of 9 done. I'm hoping this will help with the funds a bit but my designs arent exactly sought after pfft

Why the fuck would smth be taken down for a damn genital ref??? It's just an anatomical reference not porn. Smh. But either way if you need anything dont be afraid to shoot me a note or DM me if you have discord! (Fuck even general chatter is welcomed) I know how annoying masterlists can be RIP I never thought to make one for my species until just recently and I'm regretting it big time