NeoNimbus526's avatar
Flint *crossed his arms*: Mel, that prank is predictable.
Melissa: Not unless you make a few adjustments.
Flint *dumbfounded*: What?
*The joy buzzer on Mel's hand let out a few sparks in response*
Flint: Yikes!
Melissa *chuckles*: You worry too much.
Flint: For every right reason.
Melissa *rolls her eyes*: If it helps, I'll replace the battery with some new one.
*She took out the old battery and put in a new one in its place*
BluePurpleBadger's avatar
Flint: But it’s still artificially intelligent.
Meissa: Still don’t see your point.
Flint: All those dangers of unregulated AI psa’s?
Melissa: Its fake news propagated by the EU and FCC to push their new-stone age agenda.
Flint: Have you been using that frog infested image board again?
Melissa: Gotcha again, the place I got this was already licensed.
Flint: Dont pretend to be a conspiracy nut, you know I dont like that joke.
NeoNimbus526's avatar
Melissa: Relax, squirt. It's still a joke.
Flint: A very bad one.
Jean *offscreen*: Hey guys, am I interrupting anything?
*Both Flint and Melissa turned around and saw Jean behind them*
Flint *acting calm and cool*: Oh, not at all, Jean.
Melissa *quietly*: Trying to be a player right there?
Flint *nudges Melissa*: Not here.
Melissa *amused*: If you say so.
Jean: Alright then. Just checking if you got what you need to put into the time capsule.
BluePurpleBadger's avatar
Melissa: I got my thing.
Flint: I have my book.
Jean: Great!
*Ryan comes up to put something in too*
Melissa: *acting calm and cool too* Oh hey.
NeoNimbus526's avatar
Ryan: Hel Melissa, how's it going?
Melissa: Oh, just cheery.
*She gave Ryan a big smile as best as she could*
Flint *amused*: Cheery? Really?
Melissa *quietly*: Shut it.
*She nudged her brother on the side in response*
Flint *chuckled*: If you say so.
Jean: So, what are you going to put in the time capsule?
Ryan: I found this old video game from the attic. I figure, it seems like a perfect fit for today's event.
BluePurpleBadger's avatar
*He then shows them a Nintendo Switch game*
Flint: Oh yeah, Mr. Badgero has one of those.
Melissa: I'm not sure if anyone in 2100 will know what that is.
Flint: They could look it up. Remember when you didn't recognize that computer from 2000?
Melissa: Oh yeah...
NeoNimbus526's avatar
Ryan: What computer?
Melissa *dismissive*: It's nothing!
Ryan *weirded out*: Uh, alright then.
Melissa: Oh yeah, that's right.
Flint *shook his head*: Oh, Mel.
Jean: It's nice that you found something that cool.
Ryan *smiles*: It really is.
*He then put the Nintendo Switch game inside*
Ryan: There, that should do it.
BluePurpleBadger's avatar
Flint: We'll see it in 50 years.
Melissa: Heh...
Flint: You'll look back on this rather embarrassingly, I garuntee it.
Melissa: We'll see squirt.
Jean: See about what?
Flint: She's up to her shenanigans again.
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