Comment on g30dud3's profile

Holy-Promethium's avatar
g30dud3's avatar
I'm slightly confused..
Holy-Promethium's avatar
You've been in my recent visitors box on my userpage consistently for like the last fortnight.

I swear, ye be stalking me! ;p
g30dud3's avatar
Haha! That's pretty funny - I'm not stalking you by the way, just to let you know. I think its just a coincidence or something. Maybe every one else you know has visited your page slightly less than usual. That seems like a much more likely scenario :D

Or.. maybe I am stalking you, I just don't realise it. Hmm. How do I know my entire life is just a figment of my or someone elses imagination..? How do I know you're not stalking me!?? Eh!?

Holy-Promethium's avatar
Its like when there was some woman on the train, and she was so good at stalking me, she made it look like I was stalking her... she got up before me, at the same stops and got on the same trains. Then just as I was getting off my last train she was there, so I gave her a look that made sure she knew I knew.

g30dud3's avatar
Hahaha! That's brilliant.

Reminds me of some random thing me and some friends made up. Some guy being stalked by this really big mean looking bloke for *ages* and well eventually the guy turns around and goes like, what do you want?! and the bloke says in a really friendly voice something like "sorry you dropped your pen" or somehting.

Yeah well, it was funnier at the time :D

I have to admit, nothing particularly weird like that's happened to me in real life, that I can think of. But I rarely get the train lol


How's things? What are you up to nowadays?
Holy-Promethium's avatar
Me? I'm doing a graphic design course at college in Glasgow. Going to be off to do a degree in Graphic Design starting in September hopefully. Just getting all my interview notices in at the minute.

Been working part-time at a Graphic design agency as well as doing some design work freelance wise. Including a whole bunch of work for Cyphon, I'm essentially head of design for most of their web-based projects.