Comment on TummyTown's profile

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AnomalousAntarctican's avatar
and even that seems rather random and inconsistent because I've had fully colored and inked things be rejected and then barely visible sketchy pencil lines make it in. It seems like 4/5 admins just accept everything but the last one is nebulously particular or something. If you ask me you should either just take in every level of skill level/quality and reject things more on content/appropriateness, or make a more clear quality standard (i.e it has to be completely finished).

for example this, which although it isn't colored has intentionally darkened/cleaned up lines was rejected Winter Sakiko Blimp Reamke but this, which had no such cleaning of lines, made it in Britney Balloon
MissMuffinTop's avatar
I'm probably the one who's discerning. My criteria is pretty much "did I like it or not". 
AnomalousAntarctican's avatar
is there even the tiniest detail you can give as to what made you not like it? Did it look to simple or boring? is it because it's not colored? that's all I ask....