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Laugh-Butts's avatar
This is gorgeous game, wow! I await a playthrough of this game when it comes out. 

I showed Steph, and she said she does not want to support the game because one of the co-creators said something tasteless about feminism, but I do not bleed creator with their content, so I am still hyped about this game! Temmie icon WOOOO!
Tobyfredson's avatar
What does that have to do with the game anyway? Well if you ask me, Hitler could be doing a game, if it's a good decent game then I'll just look at the game lol. 

Yeah I love the look of the game to. The graphics are really badass and it used shaders and post processing well. Pixel games are still popular and still well alive and I think they'll just keep evolving along the 3D ones. 

WOOOO!WOOOO! Temmie Emoticon Icon Gif 2 - Undertale 
Laugh-Butts's avatar
Yeah! 2D is cool. 3D is cool. BUT 2D + 3D? I'M SO READY, MAN.

That is why when someone says "2D is dead", I find it a narrow-minded an uncreative opinion that cannot see the potential of all types of mediums and work used in creative ways! 

And yeah, I was having that conversation with someone at the tutoring lab. One person told me that they did not like One Piece. And I said "Why?" I thought they were going to tell me about the plot, or the oversaturation of characters, or maybe the characters are too silly for them. And they said "The way they depict their females as skinny is misogynistic." And I am like "That may be missing the point. If One Piece wanted to make a statement and say all skinny-no organ busty beauties can be main characters, then that is bad. But they did not. Instead, they concentrated on Luffy, a little overly positive kid, wanting to be pirate king and bringing in a whole influx of different types of people to be his cook, samurai, doctor (a freaking REINDEER was a doctor. You are not going to say "One Piece gives a false pretext of what reindeer are meant for"?), etc." No, it is about the adventure and the fun!

Making statements about things you ASSUME the author/artist is trying to do without asking them or getting more information is generalization, the very thing you probably disliked being put on you. And pushing artists to change their artistic direction because YOU see something- it is like appealing to one person/cliche instead of to the artist's own opinion. Since when did they work for you?

That co-creator of Last Night can say whatever he wants about feminism, but if the game is great, the game is great. Some people can separate creators from their content. Woo hoo!
Tobyfredson's avatar
Well I saw this video about pixel art (I don't remember wich one it was), just another art style that's evolving...

I like One Piece up to the latest chapters I guess and it's still one of my favorite shounen anime but I eventually got bored. Oda has a good way of storytelling and transmitting a certain feeling the the audience, unfortunately he is using the same old recipe over and over and you can only take so much of that. I would go as far as calling it a masterpiece if he would go out his way and break the norm, like do something in a different way. As it currently is, it's still far too predictable despite his best efforts to add some plots and twists to it, still shounen to the core lol. If I was to write a story, I'd make it predictable, then when the audience got used to it, I would do something outrageous and out of character, then change the mood again but make it predictable... etc. Of course most shows don't need this, they're perfect the way they are but at such a long running show, I'd say you have alot of options on the table, especially when you are so invested and the characters are so developed which would make the impact a lot more striking. so you can see my problem with it! (maybe I'm getting old)

Well one of my friends doesn't like One piece because he doesn't like it, well it's not really his thing, he just likes anything that looks cool, doesn't matter how bad it is. He's so one dimensional Llama Emoji-01 (Laughing) [V1]  pretty much, your typical extrovert. He even uses male character in games because he finds it silly to be a female character. Of course he must not feel the need for that since he has alot of gf and he sees females in a linear fashion on the production line... stereotype what can I say. Oh right he's not my friend anymore!

Well I can partially understand Steph, she cars alot for what she believes in so she'll defend to the last point. You can't be all understanding/accepting either. If you don't like something or someone, just don't b around them. I like to believe I'm one of those people that cares about personal growth and doesn't like to be feed with bs of others but at the same time understanding those people from a safe distance without getting involved in their circle. Because you know everyone has to grow, by themselves. Nothing in this world is worth hurting yourself, unless you see the value behind it yourself!
Laugh-Butts's avatar
Now hold on a second! Extroverts are not necessarily one dimensional! Maybe your friend just judges what he likes by what looks cool, and you think that is one directional, but just because your friend is an extrovert (you assume he is an extrovert?), does not mean extroverts are one dimensional! Improper conclusion!

But irrelevantly, yeah, your friend sounds lame ahah. Great influence. 

I kind of feel like those who are so careful about not supporting those they do not agree with - are afraid of being easily influenced or the people around them being easily influenced (maybe in the past, they were easily influenced, and they do not want to see others like them). I, however, am always skeptical, so I do not always believe people and fall into easy brain-wash traps unless I want to be brainwashed, lol. So through that tough filtering system, I STILL LIKE THIS MANGA. THIS GAME. THIS SERIES. I feel those who say "This creator believes this, so I will not support their WORK." They may be directing their anger at something that will not fix the problem.

Those who are so careful with that stuff, I do feel they sense a lack of control in what they can influence when bigots and thing that are wrong to them (co-creators of "popular" games having an anti-feminist viewpoint), so they attack their creations. Of course, it does not mean they can impose their opinion over them. Things still need to be within reason, and whoever can persuade more in a reasonable way gets the bucket of candy. Yeah, you do not have to be like them. And if you work on your presentation and communicative skills to persuade more people, you do not have to do something like hold the content/game/manga accountable for what you dislike of a creator. How much can I stress a creator and creation just....are not the same thing. Aggression towards the wrong direction, and you just lost a game option.

" understanding those people from a safe distance without getting involved in their circle. Because you know everyone has to grow, by themselves. Nothing in this world is worth hurting yourself, unless you see the value behind it yourself!"

^ Yeah!
Tobyfredson's avatar
What about this game?…

I love the style and I'm a big fan of GGX. These games have evolved to, if you remember the old mugen 2d fighting engine with sprites? Or was it mugem lol
Like this one, this one the best…
Tobyfredson's avatar
Haha, right, well... I made it sound like I generalized it Skrillex- Tounge emote 

He's no influence and never was one!

Soo busy...

I'm way too stubborn to be brainwashed. Yeah, I think it's gonna be a good game <33

So right you are but I also think hurting your work over some personal points of view is a bad move for your project, and that's whu I usually keep my personal opinions to myself and just give my clients what they need if they need it and try to argue with them as little as possible. Positive image is more important. If someone attempts to approach and get to know me as a creator and person that's fine, then I might open up but not in public. Well, in truth I don't really talk or open up to a lot of people, even never at all with clients or publisher rivals.