TheArtsyEmporium's avatar
Firstly, just to let you knows that one I don't need points at the moment and two I do the 100pts = $1. So if I do the math right now $20 for non-pony, plus $10 for extra character, plus $15 for background, plus I know you won't want my watermark so tack on $30. That adds up to be $75\7500pts and that's just for one picture.

Secondly, as of right now I am holding a sale on commission of 30% of those who purchase via Paypal, and it's only Paypal.

Thirdly, please consider proper grammar and punctuation when asking for another person's help. For example, "Artist" is spelled like that not this "
artise" and "video" is spelled like that not this "vidie". You spelled the last one right the second time, but still.

Finally, crediting people is expected not a bonus. The ridiculous word of exposure does not pay for the time that an artist spends working on the piece.