Comment on Yuli-Ban's profile

Theautisticonenamedm's avatar
Haven't seen you on the Sega forums in a while. I genuinely got worried about you.
Yuli-Ban's avatar
That's because I got the hell outta there while I still had my sanity. Also, I gave up on Sonic in 2013. I can't believe it's been 3 years already...
Theautisticonenamedm's avatar
Oh hi! Have you heard of Sonic Mania and the 2017 Project?
Yuli-Ban's avatar
I have, and it sounds interesting. But I'm staying well away until after it's all said and done. 
Yuli-Ban's avatar
And thank goodness. Mania was fine, but Forces was adorably bad.
Theautisticonenamedm's avatar
Yeah, and they revealed a live-Action Sonic movie poster...

Maybe you could post reviews on them?