Comment on suburbanbeatnik's profile

suburbanbeatnik's avatar
I'm a working illustrator from LA, planning on using this space to post sketches and various other things that don't fit on my LJ or my official site.
dreor's avatar
Howdy, Joanne. Welcome to dA!

You've placed your comment on what you intend to use your space for in your "Devious Comments" section. That's really just a spot for people to leave quick notes on your space, and for you to easily respond to them. As more comments are posted, the older ones disappear. If you would like your blurb about what this space will be used for to stay on your page, I'd recommend using your journal. It's easy and won't disappear!

Feel free to ask people questions. Most of the time they're helpful and nice. We do have some ungracious folks about, but don't let them get the better of you. Love your sketch portraits so far! Enjoy dA!
suburbanbeatnik's avatar
Oops- I haven't slept in a while and I'm just starting to figure this all out. Thanks for the tip!
dreor's avatar
It's no problem. I know how the non-sleep life can be. Heh. If you need, it's fine to note me any time with questions. You can note a dA member (a deviant) by going to their page and clicking the "Send a note" link in the upper right section of their page.

To get to a specific deviant's page, you can type in the URL: [link] (USERNAME being their name, mine is "dreor"). Or you can click on their name in comments like these. Good luck!