Comment on Miiversian's profile

Star-N0mad's avatar
Well, i'm doing a project on competiveness and academic rigor, and i need to ask someone about what it's like .o. it needs to be really specific too
Miiversian's avatar
Oh, well that certainly is something that I am quite experienced in, if I do say so myself, but what exactly do you mean by being really specific?
Star-N0mad's avatar
like, tell me EVERYTHING about it. i need as much info as possible, even your thoughts on it :V
Miiversian's avatar
At the moment, I really can't come up with more to say than my academic rigor was born of my dedication to taking pride in an honest day's work and I'm striving simply to do my bet as a student. As a result, although I had a tendency to overwork myself in trying to complete my academic assignments and passed up certain leisure opportunities to ensure my work was exceptionally satisfactory, I firmly believe that I developed a strong personal work ethic which gave me the willpower to persist toward accomplishing any goal, regardless of the perceived odds against me.  It's perhaps one of my stronger qualities which benefits my goal of becoming a counselor.
Star-N0mad's avatar
what about academic rigor of the college? .u. like, what's tough about it and is it the right level of challenging for you?
Miiversian's avatar
Well, I attend a rather prestigious university specializing in the liberal arts, and it has high academic standards imposed on its students. It is incredibly demanding for students pursuing any more than 15 credit hours worth of academic courses, which I have chosen to avoid given my needs as a student with ADHD, so I take four classes averaging between 12-13 credit hours to stay within a reasonable course load, and it has worked well for me thus far into my Junior year of college. Depending on where you end up in terms of your major field of study and the quality of your instructors, the overall level of difficulty you may experience will vary widely, and I would say that the general level of challenge I experience is relatively reasonable, but is also to subject to notable variance depending on the subject material of my course schedule each semester.

Does that satisfy the requirements of the question posed?
Star-N0mad's avatar
yes it does, thank you! ^o^