Sebastian412's avatar
I, Sebastian McCallum, appreciate the offer, but, I'll need some help. Think you can give me some tips? Thanks!
3wyl's avatar
Sure! What would you like help with?
Sebastian412's avatar
Like how to get in, or something like that. IDK. *shrugs, mutters in Thai*
3wyl's avatar
Well, we encourage people to give and get comments through our projects. Each project has its own guidelines. A lot of people just want to submit to our gallery for constructive comments, which is fine. If you want to do that, please comment on a deviation in the gallery and link us to the deviation you commented so we know! :)

A constructive comment is a minimum of 200 words, which is around 6-7 lines. 7+ lines is closer to 300+ words.

Did you want access to our discord server? :O
Sebastian412's avatar
Yeah, yeah! *starts engine of 2008 Suzuki Reno*  I is ready. Ready, ready, ready.
3wyl's avatar
Sebastian412's avatar