Comment on FangedRomeo's profile

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caninebytes's avatar
Hello, You owe me two shaded headshots for… , I'm not really interested in waiting for artwork at the moment, So I can just give them to you if you don't mind?
caninebytes's avatar
Mk, your th is the same as here right?
FangedRomeo's avatar
thank you so much!
Loachiez's avatar
3/3 for the character!! thank you for trading with me
simulacrumLupa3 by Gangstersss
Loachiez's avatar
2/3 busts completed for the character!
Simulacrumlupa2 by Gangstersss
Loachiez's avatar
1/3 for the character i'm doing art for!
SimulacrumLupa by Gangstersss

I'm doing the second one right now!! Thank you for all your patience with me <3 I'm finally able to crunch through them due to the christmas holiday
Loachiez's avatar
Hey i tried to message you on discord to send you one of the busts i finished, would you rather i just sent you it here?

it wont let me message you on discord, but i did send you a friend request rip
FangedRomeo's avatar
ahhh they are amazing, wow
I sent the char!
artivalily's avatar
Random question: do you have a Discord?
FangedRomeo's avatar
artivalily's avatar
Mine is Luna Kovic#4594. I friended you. :3.
saber-mom's avatar
Well shit guess what I NEED YOU
FangedRomeo's avatar
saber-mom's avatar
Idk I just felt like saying hi and that comment says to reply if we need you so xD
FangedRomeo's avatar
lmfaoo good
how are you?
saber-mom's avatar
A lil busy ahah
How about you? c:
FangedRomeo's avatar
*points towards a few hundred songs waiting for tag rewrites because she is an obsessive fuck and wants to cut herself when a song doesn't have the correct information on it*
