FrancisJeremyXavyer's avatar
You're talking to the guy who WROTE it in a month a year ago!
MosesKitty11's avatar
Wow, impressive! It would take me WAY longer to write something like that!
FrancisJeremyXavyer's avatar
Not like I have the willpower or patience to do that anymore... :(
MosesKitty11's avatar
Well, a lot can happen in a year. Good things, bad things, they're gonna change ya. I say it's pretty cool that you were able to have the skills to do that back then. No one expects that much anyway. I certainly don't, but hey, it's impressive that you did it! Go ahead and put your effort into things that are more urgent, and use whatever time you have left on things of lower priority. Whatever life's throwing at you, I hope it gets better! Also feel free to send me a note if you ever need to vent! ;)