Comment on caswallon's profile

caswallon's avatar
Hi dude! Yup I remember :) Glad you didn't lost that sheet of paper with my DA :p

Have you gotten your test script? Got mine a few days after the Holy Week, but I only started on it last week, work's been hectic. You?
lodestone-lancer's avatar
huwwwaaatt? I didn't even get my test tscript yet.... somethings off here. Am I the only one who didn't get any yet? This is troubling.
caswallon's avatar
Maybe you should follow up on it. He did say to follow up on it if necessary.
lodestone-lancer's avatar
I just got the email yesterday. I did follow up though. I emailed after april 5 which was the instruction then a week after and the day before yesterday. :P Good thing though because I was getting reeeaaaallly anxious
caswallon's avatar
Great! Just out of curiosity and if it's okay to ask, what script did he gave you?
lodestone-lancer's avatar
x-force, Daredevil and secret avengers. You? I'm also curious. :D