Comment on Kissasheep's profile

Amy-ExE's avatar
Uh...I hate saying that, but I found your profile REALLY creepy and made me feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable. You want to kill yourself because of Edd, but did you know that if you'll kill yourself, you'll go to hell and never see him? So stop. And yeah. If you'll harm yourself, you'll harm your family and friends. I mean mentally, they'll be really sad. So think about it first. Think about your REAL LIFE. Not just social medias. Think about your future. Think about your family. Thank you.....
Kissasheep's avatar
fuck you too, i can love Edd no matter what and i dont believe that i'll go to hell over suicide, you cant tell me what to do!
Amy-ExE's avatar
I'm just trying to help you! Do you understand?! I don't want to hate you!