Comment on Legio-X's profile

Legio-X's avatar
No, I might get around to it someday, but right now I have too many unfinished games or unfinished playthroughs to get much more.  

And yeah, I completely agree about the Legion.  It might be different if Obsidian had had time to finish the Legion towns in the East, but as it stands they just come off as post-apocalyptic, Roman ISIS.  I'm only doing a Legion playthrough to get the Platinum for New Vegas.
ArmorFelix2012's avatar
Ah, have you tried sneaking across the Deathclaw territory in Sloan to go to work for the Great Khans early on? Now there's an armory for an anti-NCR campaign if I ever saw one.
Legio-X's avatar
No, but I'm far enough along now that I don't have to.  Planning on using ARCHIMEDES II to complete Arizona Killer relatively easily.